Ted Baker Business Diploma
Over the course of the first term in Year 12, material that has been created by the global fashion company is delivered by form tutors during tutor time. All students receive an opportunity to receive a gold award which can be added to their UCAS personal statements or apprenticeships.
Deloitte Mentoring
Each year we work with Deloitte LLP and invite mentors who cover sessions on post-school ambitions. Sessions include identifying personal strengths, students’ key development areas and understanding work environment. Further sessions include cover employability skills such as first impressions, communication, CV writing and applications, interview technique and the importance of teamwork. Students find the sessions ‘amazing’, ‘inspirational’ and ‘useful’.
Social Mobility Foundation
The Social Mobility Foundation offer students firsthand experience in the top professions and the skills needed to achieve your aspirations through mentoring with a professional who offer guidance in the following areas; developing skills and career outlook, support with university application support and guidance, internships with top employers.
Mark Evison Foundation
Daniel, Ruth and Mansil have now completed their music project called ‘Into the Fire.’ The group was given a £500 grant towards the completion of their project which they spent months organising. It all began with an assembly presentation by Alex from MEF to Year 12 and Year 13, from which 7 groups expressed an interest in the project. Into the Fire was the first idea to come to fruition.
Outreach with Urban Partners
The Sixth Form has established links, through its membership of the Urban Partners Scheme, which allow students pupils to attend homework clubs at local companies; one organised and hosted by Eurostar and the other by Grant Thornton. This enables students to carry out work in a safe and quiet environment. Further to this, Eurostar provides tutoring for students if they express a desire for help with a particular subject. Students also participate in schemes run by Deloitte, designed to give students the opportunity to gain experience in entrepreneurial fields.
University Outreach
Maria Fidelis is fortunate to have connections with local universities, which enabled students to be invited to lectures, masterclasses and taster days. Students are also able to apply for mentoring schemes, such as the K+ scheme at Kings College, of which four of our six applicants were successful. This scheme matches sixth formers with a PhD student at KCL and they receive not only mentoring but also a lower offer from KCL if they are successful.
Film Club
The film club is designed to enable the students to relax due to the higher stress levels of A Levels in recent years. Film Club normally takes place on a Friday night and enables students to have social time together and watch a range of great films that they may not have seen or heard of.
Lecture Series
The Thursday Seminars are designed for guest to deliver seminars on a particular aspect of academia that interests them or that they have particular expertise in.
So far, talks have been delivered on topics from the working for The Department of Health during the pandemic, global business inspiration, the philosophical concept of the Self and Other and the impact of German constitution on Germany’s position within Europe.
Community Service
As a Catholic school, it is a part of our ethos to develop a community in which everyone supports one another. Pursuant to this, community service was established. All students are expected to engage in at least one form of service; this year students have tutored younger pupils, helped supervise break-time, helped organise and run our senior citizens’ party and worked at local primary schools.
Oxbridge Interview Practice
Maria Fidelis, through staff links to other schools, has been able to facilitate the opportunity of certain students to experience mock Oxbridge interviews. Through this activity, students preparing for Oxbridge interviews have been given a greater insight into the process and are better prepared for the real thing.
Lunch time supervisors
The 6th form have started a trial of using some sixth form pupils to help supervise the Key Stage 3 lunch break. They are being paid £9 per lunch break. The scheme has not been running long enough to provide any feedback at this stage. If successful we may look at other areas in the school which could be supported with a similar strategy.