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Maria Fidelis Catholic School FCJ

Prayer and Liturgy

Chapel Liturgies

Pupil Optional Mass 8:30am – Thursday

Staff Optional Mass 7.45am – First Friday of the month

Year Group Mass 9:30am (St Aloysius Church) in school calendar

Moment for Jesus 1:50pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Prayer and Liturgy

Regular liturgical celebration and prayer are at heart of school life and our daily routine. The Blessed Carlo Acutis Chapel provides a beautiful and peaceful setting for prayer. The chapel is used regularly by staff and pupils as a place of calm and quiet which makes it an ideal space for not just prayer and meditation, but also for reconciliation and personal reflection. It is our hope to provide an inclusive and welcoming sacred space for all staff, pupils and families.

Prayer is paramount in our daily routine at Maria Fidelis. Staff and pupils are invited to pray and reflect. A variety of different prayer styles are offered to our pupils to allow them to experience the full breadth of Catholic prayer. We begin each day with collective worship, with the school prayer then said at the start of each lesson and the Examen during afternoon registration. Staff also start each meeting with prayer. We pray for the intentions of the world, our school and our own needs.

“Hope is a faith-based attitude of mind and heart which enables us to think, speak and act in accordance with Gospel beliefs and FCJ values”.

Our Vision and Values

The Eucharist/Celebration of Mass

The Eucharist, known as the Mass, is the Source and Summit of Christian Life and the sacrament of unity, deepening the Communion of the Faithful with Christ and with one another. As a Catholic School we ensure that our school community has the opportunity to come together to celebrate Mass, marking the major liturgical events and seasons of the year. On the first Friday of the month there is an optional Mass for staff, and every Thursday there is an optional Mass for pupils during morning registration. In addition to this, each year group comes together for the celebration of Mass at different times throughout the year and on the Holy Days of Obligation, Welcome Mass for Years 7 and Sixth Form Mass, and Thanksgiving Masses for Year 11 and Year 13.

Celebration of the Word

During Advent and Lent, pupils take part in the Celebration of the Word, which helps them to focus on these important Church seasons and allows them to reflect on their readiness for Christmas and Easter. Similarly, at the end of the Spring term, pupils from across the school deliver a Holy Week Celebration of the Word to each year group.

The Season of Advent

Staff and pupils have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Lessons in Carols

Our school’s annual carol service is held in the D’Houet Hall. Parents, governors and the local community are invited to attend this delightful event.  It is always a joyful occasion, enhanced by the contributions of the whole school community.  This always proves to be a very spiritual enriching experience and an excellent way to collaboratively conclude the term.

The Season of Lent

During the season of Lent, the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered to all pupils from Years 7-13 who have made their first Holy Communion in a Catholic church.  Accompanying these are services of Examination of Conscience and time for reflection. In addition to this, every RE class is invited to the chapel to experience a moment to pause and to reflect upon prayer and scripture.

The Stations of the Cross

During the Lenten season, pupils will also attend the chapel and participate in walking the Way of the Stations. They are invited to reflect on the meaning of each station and spend some time in thoughtful prayer.

Retreat Programme

All year groups participate in a retreat programme each academic year. Retreats provide pupils with an opportunity to pause and reflect and develop friendships with their peers.  Each retreat has a different theme linked to the FCJ values and is organised by the Catholic Life Lead and members of the chaplaincy team to provide a day of faith, companionship and fun.

Pupil participation

Certain pupils showing aptitude and interest are carefully instructed in serving and reading at Mass.

Virtual prayer wall

“It is of the essence that the Dignity of each person is recognised, as that of a human being made in the image of God.  Everyone is genuinely listened to and what they say is heard”.

Our Vision and Values