Governors' Diversity Survey Statement
Statement on Behalf of Maria Fidelis Catholic School Governors re:
Diversity Survey Results
The Governing Body (GB) of Maria Fidelis Catholic School, FCJ fully supports efforts to broaden the range of governors serving our school. To do so underscores at GB level the beliefs and aims expressed in the school's Racial Justice, Equality and Diversity (RJED) Statement. Recruiting diverse governors is an active, high priority item for the GB notwithstanding the practical difficulties of finding committed candidates who have the time to dedicate; who are supportive of our school's Catholic identity and FCJ Values; and who can better reflect the diverse backgrounds, context and communities of Maria Fidelis students and staff.
Achieving greater diversity and representation is a serious, long-term undertaking. It cannot be satisfied by publishing metrics about a small sample of individuals, with all the data protection issues that could entail. The Maria Fidelis GB contributes to the annual collection of anonymised Camden-wide diversity and inclusion data. Our school has a high participation rate, reflecting our belief that robust data collection across a large group is critical for validly measuring progress over time towards more diverse representation at all levels within Camden schools, and especially at Maria Fidelis.